Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Human growth hormone supplements benefits and safety

From the moment the natural growth hormone was discovered in the human body it’s been a puzzle. Even though researchers have identified a lot about human growth hormone, there are still some questions. For instance, how intrinsic is the union between energy levels and the aging process? Consider the connection.

After All...

What is it that makes a child so energetic? Those vitality levels are considered to be unswervingly tied to the natural growth hormone located in the human body. If you compare the levels of human growth hormone in an individual at 20 to a person three times that age, you’ll discover a significant decrease in the amount of this protein blend. Which gives rise to the question, does the diminished human growth hormone protein level prompt lower vitality levels? Asked a different way could the introduction of human growth hormone supplements expand the amount of energy a person has?

All things considered...

Imagine what you could do with an everyday energy boost? If you doubt the benefits of more energy, grab a look at the plethora of products available that are geared for no purpose other than to extend energy. The selection is bewildering. But there’s another advantage to human growth hormone supplements.

Not only does human growth hormone augment energy, it also helps combat the aging process. Anti aging products are also available in abundance, but the natural human growth hormone may very well be the solution you’ve been looking for. You may even want to try a human growth hormone releaser to stimulate your body’s manufacture of this protein. After all, your body knew how to develop adequate supplies of human growth hormone when you were a child!

Every man dies. Not every man really lives. William Wallace in the movie Braveheart

Think for a moment about the interaction of youth, aging and energy. If you can recall back to your childhood, you are possibly awe struck at how hard you worked at every day, including playtime. And at the end of the day, you can likely remember drifting off to sleep as soon as your skull hit the pillow, and then sleeping a deep, restful sleep all through the night. Do you think it was all just because you were younger? What if the decrease in human growth hormone has impacted all those factors, how much energy you had for work and play, how well you slept, and how rested you were when you woke each morning? Human growth hormone is released in pulses shortly after you settle asleep. The amount of human growth hormone diminishes with age and may plummet by three fourths between the ages of 20 and 60.

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers

If you’re concerned about the potential side effects of human growth hormone supplements, you should take some time to hear what the experts are saying. While human growth hormone occurs naturally in your body, you’re probably wise enough to realize that increasing even naturally occurring compounds and proteins isn’t often a good idea.

In this instance, side effects are generally negligible and most individuals appear to find the risks worth the benefits. As with any dietary supplement, that becomes a personal choice and only you can determine what you should (and should not) bring into your body. Being astute with your supplement choices is just everyday sense.

Hypnosis - Where’s the Magic?

What is hypnosis and why does is it intrigue us so much?

There are many different definitions of hypnosis, the first result in search engines is:

A trance-like state in which a person becomes more aware and focused and is more open to suggestion.

The Oxford dictionary tells us that hypnosis is the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion or direction.

Many hypnotherapists would disagree with the Oxford dictionaries explanation of what hypnosis means. The idea of losing power over your actions during hypnosis is not what hypnotherapy is about in their opinion.

Hypnotists will tell you that hypnosis is to do with relaxation of your mind and body; however, you are in total control and can not be made to do anything you don’t want to do.

Hypnosis is more about making someone so relaxed that the therapist is able to speak directly to your subconscious mind, which will have a positive affect on your mind when you are fully conscious.

If for example you are afraid of spiders and you went to see a hypnotherapist to overcome this fear, the therapist would put you in a relaxed state, and speak to your subconscious mind about your fear of spiders. They would tell you that when you see a spider, they will no longer scare you etc.

If a therapist spoke these thoughts to you whilst you were fully alert, it would probably make no difference at all, but by speaking to you in a relaxed state of hypnosis, you cannot argue in your mind with the idea that next time you see a spider you will still be afraid.

Our subconscious mind is influence everyday without us really realising. We can hear a tune on the radio and think to ourselves, where have I heard that before? It was probably playing in the background somewhere where you have been.

We used to have a colleague at work who would deliberately walk into our office, whistle a tune whilst sending a fax, no one really took any notice as they were getting on with their work, however, a few minutes after he had gone, someone else (normally me) would hum the tune without really realising why and other people said they had that tune running around their head.

Oddly as it seems, the tune was planted into our subconscious mind without us really noticing.

That isn’t a magic trick, that is someone recognising that although we may be concentrating on one thing, our subconscious picks up everything that is going on around us.

The difference with us and hypnotist is that they have learned the art of this and how this can have an affect on us.

Even the stage hypnotist would like you to believe they have some kind of magic power, but infact, all they are really doing is talking to your subconcious through signs so that you will be more susceptible and amazed when they hit you with their trick.

Genuine hypnotherapists recognise that they can have a positive affect of people by using their skill, whether it be overcoming a fear, loosing weight, stopping bad habits or building up your self confidence, whatever it may be, you can at least know that there is no magic involved, and it is not a tool to make you do things you would not want to do in your normal alert state.

Hypnotherapy - Free Your Mind and Soul

Hypnosis is a Greek word which means "sleep". This is also referred to as hypnotherapy. With the help of a hypnotherapist, you reach a trancelike state of restful awareness. When you are under hypnosis you are actually not sleeping, though it may seem like you are. You tend to be more focused and more responsive to suggestions. The main purpose of this is to help you gain self control over your emotions and behavior.

How does it work?

Though it is not very clear how it works, it tends to synchronize the body and the brain through nerve impulses, body chemicals, and hormones. It is said that the mind has two parts; the subconscious mind and the conscious mind. When you are hypnotized, you are said to be in your subconscious mind. It helps you relax and quieten your mind. We tend to go into the hypnotic state in our day to day life also. Many a time we lose track of the time and get engrossed in our work, or while reading a good book or listening to good music, this is similar to the hypnotic process.


When you are under hypnosis, you tend to concentrate intensely without any distractions. As you become more open to suggestions, you tend to listen to what you are being told, which could help you give up your bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol, improving your health and well being.

You are said to go through three stages in Hypnotherapy; the first being the superficial trance, where your eyes may be closed, but you still exist in the present stage and you are aware of your surroundings. During this stage you are more open to suggestions, but since the trance is very light, there is a possibility that you may not accept it. The second stage is the alpha stage, which is deeper than the first one. Here the person accepts what he is being told. The therapist can actually control your response to any physical pain or allergies and control your immune system. Your blood pressure and your heart rate can also be controlled. The third stage is called age regression, which is even deeper than the alpha stage. In this stage the person can be sent back in time to remember events which had occurred years back. This technique is helpful to make the person come out of any physical, mental, or emotional problems, which could be related to his past. Cases like sexual abuse during childhood can really disturb the mind, causing physical and mental torture.


Deep hypnosis can also relieve pain from your body and control allergies. Chronic pain such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and back pain are said to be improved with hypnotherapy. Practising this can relieve symptoms up to 70 percent. Even sleeping disorders such as sleep apnea and snoring can be improved. This technique is even used in the emergency rooms in hospitals to help relax a severely injured victim, and even in the ICU to control the heart rate and respiration. Dentists also use this technique to decrease pain, calm the patients, and to reduce bleeding. Even during childbirth it is used to relieve pain.

Hypnosis can work only when you fulfill three conditions - A peaceful environment without any disturbance, good understanding between the therapist and you, and your cooperation and willingness to be a part of the therapy.

Hypnosis performed by a certified hypnotherapist is said to bring good changes in your health. It helps you give up unwanted habits like smoking, overeating, give up alcohol, and overcoming stress. It can also help control phobias, and this therapy has shown positive results in controlling asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, and high blood pressure.

Remember to go only to a certified and recognized practitioner, as the success of the therapy will depend on the competence of the therapist. It is best to take opinions from friends and those around you.

Hypnotize Yourself Right Now: 10 Steps To Hypnotize Yourself Today

Hypnotize Yourself Right Now!

I want to show you a really interesting technique to hypnotize yourself. It is known as the Betty Erickson technique as she devised it to hypnotize yourself. Betty’s husband Milton Erickson is someone I have referred to on several occasions in my work as a renowned hynotherapist and psychiatrist and someone whose work seems to hypnotize me all the time. This technique to hypnotize yourself is entirely attributed to her.
Hypnotize Yourself Betty Erickson Method:

This method to hypnotize yourself is based on the following premises and ideologies. While there are a number of counter-examples to these notions, they will be of value in understanding and utilizing this method to hypnotize yourself.

We think our thoughts in pictures, sounds and feelings.

When we think in pictures we refer to the external things we see and the internal images that we create. This includes remembered images ("What does your bedroom look like?"), constructed images ("What would it look like if it were redecorated?"), as well as the actual, real things we see about us.

When we think in sounds these are the things we hear and the internal sounds that we create. This includes remembered words or sounds ("Think of your favourite pop song"), imagined words or sounds ("Imagine that song being sung by someone else"), and also includes your internal dialogue as well as all of the real, actual, live sounds around us.

Thirdly, are the things we feel. These can be actual physical sensations or imagined ones. Can you imagine being at the seaside and paddling in the cool sea?

Most of us use one of these ways of thinking more than the others; though we each use all three of them. Since this is usually the case, an individual who "thinks" in images wouldn't hypnotize themselves the best simply by visualising.

Focused Attention:
Stereotypical images of hypnotists holding watches or other fixation devices for clients to stare at are the result of much misunderstanding about hypnosis. I for one have long ago banished my velveteen smoking jacket and watch on a chain for more modern methods of hypnotic induction! The experience of hypnosis is typically an inwardly focused one in which we move away from the environment around us and turn our attention inward. This technique to hypnotize yourself is doing that even more.

Hypnotize Yourself Technique:

Step 1: Find a comfortable position and get your self relaxed and settled. Get into a position that you will be able to maintain easily for the time you are going to hypnotize yourself. It can be sitting or lying down, though sitting is recommended to prevent you from falling asleep. Get yourself centred, just looking in front of you and breathing slowly and easily. Let yourself relax.

Step 2: Think about the length of time that you intend to spend in this state and make a statement to yourself about it such as "I am going hypnotize myself for 20 minutes ... " (or however long you want) You will be delighted to discover how well you "internal clock" can keep track of the time for you.

Step 3: What would you like to get out of this? Make a statement to yourself about the reason you want to hypnotize yourself. In this process, you allow your unconscious mind to work on an issue rather than giving suggestions throughout, (that is another technique) so our purpose statement should reflect that fact. Here's how I recommend you phrase it to yourself : " I am going to hypnotize myself for the purpose of allowing my unconscious mind to make the adjustments that are appropriate to assist me in _____________."

Filling in the blank with what you want to achieve such as "developing more confidence in social situations." The actual words aren't nearly as important as the fact your statement acknowledges that you are turning this process over to your unconscious mind.

Step 4: Looking in front of you, notice three things, one at a time, that you see. Go slowly, pausing for a moment on each. It is preferable that they be small things, such as a spot on the wall, a doorknob, the corner of a picture frame, etc. Some people like to name the items as they look at them - "I see the hinge on the door frame".

Step 5: Now turn your attention to your auditory channel and notice, one by one, three things that you hear. (You will notice that this allows you to incorporate sounds that occur in the environment rather than being distracted by them.)

Step 6: Next, attend to your feelings and notice three sensations that you can feel right now. Again, go slowly from one to the next. It is useful to use sensations that usually are outside of your awareness, such as the weight of your glasses, the feeling of your wrist watch, the texture of your shirt on your body, etc.

Step 7: Continue the process using two Visuals, then two auditories and then two kinaesthetics. Then, in the same manner, continue (slowly) with one of each.

You have now completed the "external" portion of the process to hypnotize yourself. Now it's time to begin the "internal" part.
Step 8: Now close your eyes. Now, bring an image into your mind. Don't work too hard at this; this is fun, remember? You can construct an image or simply take what comes. It may be a point of light, it may be a beautiful beach, or it could be your car or an apple. I shall not scare you with the ideas that randomly pop into my mind. If something comes to you, just use it. If nothing comes, feel free to put something in your mind.

Step 9: Pause and let a sound come into your awareness or generate one and name it. Although this is technically the internal part, if you should hear a sound outside or in the room with you, it is OK to use that. Remember that the idea is to incorporate things that you experience rather than being distracted by them. Typically, in the absence of environmental sounds; I often imagine hearing whooping hallelujahs from a gospel choir; don’t ask me why, that just happens in my mind.

Step 10: Become aware of a feeling and name it. It is preferable to do this internally - use your imagination. (I feel the warmth of the sun on my face) However, as with the auditory, if you actually have a physical sensation that gets your attention, use that.

Repeat the process with two images, then two sounds, then two feelings. Repeat the cycle once again using three images, three sounds, and three feelings.

Then to complete the process, open your eyes when your alloted time is up - It is not unusual to feel a little bit "spaced out" or wander off somewhat. At first some people think that they have fallen asleep. But generally you will find yourself coming back automatically at the end of the allotted time that you set before you chose to hypnotize yourself. Trust that you weren't sleeping and that your unconscious mind was doing what you asked of it.

Many people don't get all the way through the process. That's perfectly all right. If you should complete the process before the time has ended, just continue with 4 images, sounds, feelings, then 5 and so on. It is a simple way of just getting you acquainted with how to hypnotize yourself.

Hysteric about headache?

Headaches are one of the most common health grievances of students, adults and even children, Headaches are very common and usually do not point to a serious illness. But even a mild headache can disrupt your daily activities
What actually happens in your body to cause headache?

The skull bones and brain tissues do not have pain sensitive nerve fibers. But muscles of face, mouth, throat, neck, scalp and blood vessels on the surface and base of brain are sensitive to pain as they contain pain sensitive nerve fibers.

The tip of these nerve fibers gets stimulated by various causes like stress, muscle tension, lack of sleep etc. The stimulated nerve tip sends message up the length of the nerve fiber to the related nerve cells of Brain. Brain locates the region of stimulated nerve tip based on these signals and we feel the pain or ache.

The headache may be mild, chronic or severe depending on the underlying cause and pain bearing capacity of the individual.
Our body produces natural pain killing proteins called endorphins. One of the theories suggests that people with low endorphin levels suffer from severe headache and other chronic pains in comparison with people having high endorphin levels.

What triggers headache?

• Anger

• Muscle tension

• Missed meals

• Vigorous exercise

• Sexual excitement

• Infections like Common cold , Flu , Fever , Ear infection ,Tooth infection Sinus infection , Pneumonia , etc

• Coughing - too much coughing can cause a form of traction headache.

• Lifestyle causes Hangover ,Excessive alcohol , Stress , Fatigue , Tension , Tiredness , Excessive smoking

• Dyspepsia

• Eye conditions

• Systemic or metabolic conditions, Hypertension , Thyroid disease ,Anemia , Kidney failure , Uremia

• Brain or head conditions Meningitis ,Encephalitis ,Head injury ,Heatstroke, Sunstroke

• Before, during, or after menstruation

• Hunger

• Medications (Many drugs designed to relieve pain can actually cause headache when the drug is stopped after a period of prolonged use.)

• Alcohol and caffeine withdrawal

• Not getting enough sleep

• Reading for long periods of time or eyestrain

• Doing repetitive work

• Staying in one position for a long time, such as working at a computer.

The same causes of head ache have been explained in Ayurveda also. These causes vitiate all the three doshas (vata, pitta and kapha). The vitiated doshas cause tension, migraine, sinus and other head aches.

Few common types of headache are Tension headache, Migraine headache and sinus headache.

Tension headache: Tightening of muscles of face and neck cause tension headache. It is characterized by a dull ache in forehead or back of head and pain in neck and shoulders which travels to head. Causes like less sleep, stress, reading for a long time, and working in front of a computer for long hours can precipitate tension headache.

Migraine Headache: Migraine headache is caused when blood vessels of head get too much dilated or constricted. Females are more prone to this type of headache than males and migraine tends to run in families.

A person suffering from migraine headache feels like vomiting becomes too sensitive to light, sound and other activities. Few people experience spots or flashes before headache.

Few facts like menstruation in females, caffeine, alcohol, aged cheese, cured meat, stress, change in sleeping pattern, strenuous exercise trigger migraine headache.

Sinus Headaches

A sinus headache surfaces when fluids in the nose are not able to drain well and pressure builds up in sinuses. A cold, dust allergies, dirty or polluted water air travel may cause this type of headache.

Sinus headache causes pain in forehead, cheek bones, nose and stuffy nose. The headache increases when face is bent or touched. The symptoms are worse in the morning.

Although headaches are very common, It is recommended to consult a doctor about your headache. Go to an emergency department if any of the following symptoms occur:

• Pain that develops very rapidly

• A change in concentration or ability to think

• A change in level of alertness

• Altered speech

• Weakness, numbness, or difficulty in walking

• Changes in vision

• Headache with a stiff neck or neck pain, or if light hurts your eyes

• If you feel that this the worst headache of your life

• Headache with dizziness, or a feeling that you are falling to one side

• Headache from an injury or blow to the head

• Headache with fever.

Home remedies for tension headache.

For tension headaches massage few drops of peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil on temples.

Massage the scalp with slightly warmed sesame oil. This relieves tension headache and induces sleep.

Regular exercise, yoga and meditation reduce the stress levels and keep the tension headache at bay.

Persons of vata type can use hot water bags on aching parts and a hot shower will be of good help.

Persons of pitta type can use cold or ice packs on aching parts and wrap a wet cold cloth around neck.

Home remedies for migraine headache.

Make a note of facts which trigger the headache and also the foods. Try to avoid these . Avoid spicy foods, coffee, tea, alcohol, onion and garlic. Avoid citrus fruits except lemon.

Try muscle relaxation exercises. Progressive muscle relaxation, meditation and yoga are definitely going to help. Relax at least for half an hour everyday by doing your favorite activities like listening to music, gardening, taking hot water bath etc.

Stick to you a regular sleep pattern and get enough sleep but don't oversleep. Avoid sleeping during the afternoon.

Rest in a dark, quiet room when you feel a headache coming on. Place an ice pack wrapped in a cloth on the back of your neck and apply gentle pressure to painful areas on your scalp.

Home remedies for sinus headache.

• Breathe in warm, moist air.

• Moist the nasal passages with the help of saline nasal spray. A saline spray can be used up to six times per day.

• Do not smoke. If you smoke, quit.

• Avoid second-hand smoke and polluted air.

• Avoid exposure to anything that triggers allergy or sinus symptoms.

• Wash your hands frequently to avoid colds.

• Seek treatment for a persistent cold before sinusitis sets in.

• Avoid alcoholic drinks. Alcohol can cause swelling of nasal and sinus tissues.

I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too

Yes... I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too

From the age of 11 to age 53 I avoided holding hands; they were painful to the touch, so puffed up, sore and hot!!!

Raising four children, of course, I had to hold their hands. I tried so hard not to let them know how painful it was but, they knew I was in constant pain.

I always felt bad for my husband because holding hands was something we missed. It was hard to knit or crochet, which I loved to do.

Walking, bending or standing for any period of time was so painful for me. My children learned, as small children, to do what ever they could to help around the house.

I went to over thirteen "Arthritis" specialists, which were of little or no help.

I was prescribed many different drugs and went through all kinds of treatments for my arthritis.

I was in so much pain that I tried anything and everything to find relief.

I was so desperate to find something that would stop my pain that I:

* Went to over 13 physicians, ("Arthritis Specialists")
* I took Codeine, Darvon, Sprays and "Gold Treatments"
* I was placed in traction with a large weight to stretch her body, was tied to the bed and couldn't move for a week!
* I was put in an upper body cast for 3 months
* I wore shoe lifts
* And so much more!!!

In 1980, the last year I suffered from Arthritis, I spent an average of $40.00 month on miscellaneous drugs, $30.00 for a monthly doctor appointment and $30.00 on pain killers. That's a total of $100.00 a month. I wish I could have spent that money on something I liked to do instead.

All the drugs, all the doctors, all the treatments, all the money... ALL the FAILURES!!!

Doctor after doctor told me that there was no cure for arthritis and that I should, "Take this medication, go home and learn to live with it". One doctor predicted that I would be in a wheel chair within 5 years.

I was crushed... Being the eternal optimist, never gave up... I went on a crusade to find a way to stop my arthritis. And I did!!!

I spent many years researching arthritis, and put together this incredible program, "I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too" , that shows you in easy to follow steps how you can do what I did at home, and without drugs.

I know this may sound too good to be true. But I did it... I have gone through what you are going through right now. I have now been living Pain Free from Arthritis for 25 years.

I am known on the World Wide Web (and elsewhere) as "The Arthritis Lady" and am now doing something I "like" to do. I spend most of my time answering thousands of emails and phone calls from people who suffer with arthritis. I answers questions and help solve their problems.

Here are just a few things people have written me...

"My wife has rheumatoid arthritis and she tried what you wrote in your book and she has been almost totally pain free for a month so far. Thanks for publishing your book.

Roy - Goose Creek, S.C


"I have purchased your book and it is a miracle from God. I really believe in it. It has opened my eyes toward the right foods we should eat to keep our bodies healthy and free from diseases.

Evangeline - Culloden, GA


"Thank the Lord and you. Your book is my companion in my quest for health.
I can't praise it enough. You are a pioneer in the practice of prevention in Medicine.

Mary B - Santa Cruz, CA


My friend raved to me about how your book helped him. He had taken so much Cortisone until his doctor balked at giving it to him. My friend said he spends many painful, sleepless nights, and that his life was pure misery. Now, some five months later, he has no pain, and sleeps very well. He has lost some 40 pounds and feels 20 years younger.

Lewis - Oklahoma City, Ok


"My friend is over 80 years old. She was unable to do hand work and almost unable to walk. Now she is able to do both.

Mrs. A. Jenkins - Morango, CA


To whom it may concern,

Margie Garrison's "I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too": is a note worthy milestone in the field of alternative treatment modalities.

I agree with Margie that with proper nutrition, exercise and a positive mental attitude, not only is it possible to "cure" arthritis but also prevent it.

Her book is simply and clearly written with a number of helpful illustrations.

I have used it in my practice and highly recommend it. The pathway to health is up to each individual. By following Margie's techniques, you can be "Free" of arthritis.


Learie N. Yuille, MD
Metro Holistic Health Center
Southfield, Mi 48075


I am living proof that you don't have to take medication, go home and learn to live with arthritis. "I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too".

Best of Health,

Margie Garrison - "The Arthritis Lady
“I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too”

Monday, August 30, 2010

I have a migraine headache

I've been around several people that use the word Migraine, when they talk about having a headeache. Do these people actually have migraines? What is a migraine, and are there ways to relieve them? These are some of the questions I will answer.

The word "migraine" comes from the Greek word "hemikranion" which translates to "pain affectin one side of the head". A Migraine is a headache in a form, that is usually very strong and can almost be disabling, when intense. Unlike commong headache's which everyone is prone to, migraines are a neurologic disease, and the most common type of vascular headache.

Although everyone individual affected by migraines will characterize the symptoms differently, the book says: severe pain on one or more sides of the head, an upset stomach, and at times disturbed vision. The difference between a headache and migraine is summed up in the word "Aura", which refers to the migraine features that are non-headache like. Migraines have been present throughout history, and it is known that family history and genetic factors are important in the likelyhood of migraines.

Many doctors deal with migraines, and will have several recommended treatment for migraines. It is in my experience that over the counter pain killers, and other drugs have their part in reducing the pain migraines cause, but are never actually able to cure them. Along with these drugs come several unfriendly side-effects, which are not enjoyable to say the least. Of course these side effects and effectiveness of the drugs are different on an invidual basis. The treatment that I have seen to be the most effective is the use of Chinese medicine, in particular accupuncture. Accupuncture is a natural medicine in that you are not injecting any drugs or anything inside of your body. You are simply just working with what is already there. Talk to your physician, and others that have experienced migraines, to find out what steps might be right for you.

I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too

Yes... I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too

From the age of 11 to age 53 I avoided holding hands; they were painful to the touch, so puffed up, sore and hot!!!

Raising four children, of course, I had to hold their hands. I tried so hard not to let them know how painful it was but, they knew I was in constant pain.

I always felt bad for my husband because holding hands was something we missed. It was hard to knit or crochet, which I loved to do.

Walking, bending or standing for any period of time was so painful for me. My children learned, as small children, to do what ever they could to help around the house.

I went to over thirteen "Arthritis" specialists, which were of little or no help.

I was prescribed many different drugs and went through all kinds of treatments for my arthritis.

I was in so much pain that I tried anything and everything to find relief.

I was so desperate to find something that would stop my pain that I:

* Went to over 13 physicians, ("Arthritis Specialists")
* I took Codeine, Darvon, Sprays and "Gold Treatments"
* I was placed in traction with a large weight to stretch her body, was tied to the bed and couldn't move for a week!
* I was put in an upper body cast for 3 months
* I wore shoe lifts
* And so much more!!!

In 1980, the last year I suffered from Arthritis, I spent an average of $40.00 month on miscellaneous drugs, $30.00 for a monthly doctor appointment and $30.00 on pain killers. That's a total of $100.00 a month. I wish I could have spent that money on something I liked to do instead.

All the drugs, all the doctors, all the treatments, all the money... ALL the FAILURES!!!

Doctor after doctor told me that there was no cure for arthritis and that I should, "Take this medication, go home and learn to live with it". One doctor predicted that I would be in a wheel chair within 5 years.

I was crushed... Being the eternal optimist, never gave up... I went on a crusade to find a way to stop my arthritis. And I did!!!

I spent many years researching arthritis, and put together this incredible program, "I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too" , that shows you in easy to follow steps how you can do what I did at home, and without drugs.

I know this may sound too good to be true. But I did it... I have gone through what you are going through right now. I have now been living Pain Free from Arthritis for 25 years.

I am known on the World Wide Web (and elsewhere) as "The Arthritis Lady" and am now doing something I "like" to do. I spend most of my time answering thousands of emails and phone calls from people who suffer with arthritis. I answers questions and help solve their problems.

Here are just a few things people have written me...

"My wife has rheumatoid arthritis and she tried what you wrote in your book and she has been almost totally pain free for a month so far. Thanks for publishing your book.

Roy - Goose Creek, S.C


"I have purchased your book and it is a miracle from God. I really believe in it. It has opened my eyes toward the right foods we should eat to keep our bodies healthy and free from diseases.

Evangeline - Culloden, GA


"Thank the Lord and you. Your book is my companion in my quest for health.
I can't praise it enough. You are a pioneer in the practice of prevention in Medicine.

Mary B - Santa Cruz, CA


My friend raved to me about how your book helped him. He had taken so much Cortisone until his doctor balked at giving it to him. My friend said he spends many painful, sleepless nights, and that his life was pure misery. Now, some five months later, he has no pain, and sleeps very well. He has lost some 40 pounds and feels 20 years younger.

Lewis - Oklahoma City, Ok


"My friend is over 80 years old. She was unable to do hand work and almost unable to walk. Now she is able to do both.

Mrs. A. Jenkins - Morango, CA


To whom it may concern,

Margie Garrison's "I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too": is a note worthy milestone in the field of alternative treatment modalities.

I agree with Margie that with proper nutrition, exercise and a positive mental attitude, not only is it possible to "cure" arthritis but also prevent it.

Her book is simply and clearly written with a number of helpful illustrations.

I have used it in my practice and highly recommend it. The pathway to health is up to each individual. By following Margie's techniques, you can be "Free" of arthritis.


Learie N. Yuille, MD
Metro Holistic Health Center
Southfield, Mi 48075


I am living proof that you don't have to take medication, go home and learn to live with arthritis. "I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too".

Best of Health,

Margie Garrison - "The Arthritis Lady
“I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too”

Hysteric about headache?

Headaches are one of the most common health grievances of students, adults and even children, Headaches are very common and usually do not point to a serious illness. But even a mild headache can disrupt your daily activities
What actually happens in your body to cause headache?

The skull bones and brain tissues do not have pain sensitive nerve fibers. But muscles of face, mouth, throat, neck, scalp and blood vessels on the surface and base of brain are sensitive to pain as they contain pain sensitive nerve fibers.

The tip of these nerve fibers gets stimulated by various causes like stress, muscle tension, lack of sleep etc. The stimulated nerve tip sends message up the length of the nerve fiber to the related nerve cells of Brain. Brain locates the region of stimulated nerve tip based on these signals and we feel the pain or ache.

The headache may be mild, chronic or severe depending on the underlying cause and pain bearing capacity of the individual.
Our body produces natural pain killing proteins called endorphins. One of the theories suggests that people with low endorphin levels suffer from severe headache and other chronic pains in comparison with people having high endorphin levels.

What triggers headache?

• Anger

• Muscle tension

• Missed meals

• Vigorous exercise

• Sexual excitement

• Infections like Common cold , Flu , Fever , Ear infection ,Tooth infection Sinus infection , Pneumonia , etc

• Coughing - too much coughing can cause a form of traction headache.

• Lifestyle causes Hangover ,Excessive alcohol , Stress , Fatigue , Tension , Tiredness , Excessive smoking

• Dyspepsia

• Eye conditions

• Systemic or metabolic conditions, Hypertension , Thyroid disease ,Anemia , Kidney failure , Uremia

• Brain or head conditions Meningitis ,Encephalitis ,Head injury ,Heatstroke, Sunstroke

• Before, during, or after menstruation

• Hunger

• Medications (Many drugs designed to relieve pain can actually cause headache when the drug is stopped after a period of prolonged use.)

• Alcohol and caffeine withdrawal

• Not getting enough sleep

• Reading for long periods of time or eyestrain

• Doing repetitive work

• Staying in one position for a long time, such as working at a computer.

The same causes of head ache have been explained in Ayurveda also. These causes vitiate all the three doshas (vata, pitta and kapha). The vitiated doshas cause tension, migraine, sinus and other head aches.

Few common types of headache are Tension headache, Migraine headache and sinus headache.

Tension headache: Tightening of muscles of face and neck cause tension headache. It is characterized by a dull ache in forehead or back of head and pain in neck and shoulders which travels to head. Causes like less sleep, stress, reading for a long time, and working in front of a computer for long hours can precipitate tension headache.

Migraine Headache: Migraine headache is caused when blood vessels of head get too much dilated or constricted. Females are more prone to this type of headache than males and migraine tends to run in families.

A person suffering from migraine headache feels like vomiting becomes too sensitive to light, sound and other activities. Few people experience spots or flashes before headache.

Few facts like menstruation in females, caffeine, alcohol, aged cheese, cured meat, stress, change in sleeping pattern, strenuous exercise trigger migraine headache.

Sinus Headaches

A sinus headache surfaces when fluids in the nose are not able to drain well and pressure builds up in sinuses. A cold, dust allergies, dirty or polluted water air travel may cause this type of headache.

Sinus headache causes pain in forehead, cheek bones, nose and stuffy nose. The headache increases when face is bent or touched. The symptoms are worse in the morning.

Although headaches are very common, It is recommended to consult a doctor about your headache. Go to an emergency department if any of the following symptoms occur:

• Pain that develops very rapidly

• A change in concentration or ability to think

• A change in level of alertness

• Altered speech

• Weakness, numbness, or difficulty in walking

• Changes in vision

• Headache with a stiff neck or neck pain, or if light hurts your eyes

• If you feel that this the worst headache of your life

• Headache with dizziness, or a feeling that you are falling to one side

• Headache from an injury or blow to the head

• Headache with fever.

Home remedies for tension headache.

For tension headaches massage few drops of peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil on temples.

Massage the scalp with slightly warmed sesame oil. This relieves tension headache and induces sleep.

Regular exercise, yoga and meditation reduce the stress levels and keep the tension headache at bay.

Persons of vata type can use hot water bags on aching parts and a hot shower will be of good help.

Persons of pitta type can use cold or ice packs on aching parts and wrap a wet cold cloth around neck.

Home remedies for migraine headache.

Make a note of facts which trigger the headache and also the foods. Try to avoid these . Avoid spicy foods, coffee, tea, alcohol, onion and garlic. Avoid citrus fruits except lemon.

Try muscle relaxation exercises. Progressive muscle relaxation, meditation and yoga are definitely going to help. Relax at least for half an hour everyday by doing your favorite activities like listening to music, gardening, taking hot water bath etc.

Stick to you a regular sleep pattern and get enough sleep but don't oversleep. Avoid sleeping during the afternoon.

Rest in a dark, quiet room when you feel a headache coming on. Place an ice pack wrapped in a cloth on the back of your neck and apply gentle pressure to painful areas on your scalp.

Home remedies for sinus headache.

• Breathe in warm, moist air.

• Moist the nasal passages with the help of saline nasal spray. A saline spray can be used up to six times per day.

• Do not smoke. If you smoke, quit.

• Avoid second-hand smoke and polluted air.

• Avoid exposure to anything that triggers allergy or sinus symptoms.

• Wash your hands frequently to avoid colds.

• Seek treatment for a persistent cold before sinusitis sets in.

• Avoid alcoholic drinks. Alcohol can cause swelling of nasal and sinus tissues.

Hypnotize Yourself Right Now: 10 Steps To Hypnotize Yourself Today

Hypnotize Yourself Right Now!

I want to show you a really interesting technique to hypnotize yourself. It is known as the Betty Erickson technique as she devised it to hypnotize yourself. Betty’s husband Milton Erickson is someone I have referred to on several occasions in my work as a renowned hynotherapist and psychiatrist and someone whose work seems to hypnotize me all the time. This technique to hypnotize yourself is entirely attributed to her.
Hypnotize Yourself Betty Erickson Method:

This method to hypnotize yourself is based on the following premises and ideologies. While there are a number of counter-examples to these notions, they will be of value in understanding and utilizing this method to hypnotize yourself.

We think our thoughts in pictures, sounds and feelings.

When we think in pictures we refer to the external things we see and the internal images that we create. This includes remembered images ("What does your bedroom look like?"), constructed images ("What would it look like if it were redecorated?"), as well as the actual, real things we see about us.

When we think in sounds these are the things we hear and the internal sounds that we create. This includes remembered words or sounds ("Think of your favourite pop song"), imagined words or sounds ("Imagine that song being sung by someone else"), and also includes your internal dialogue as well as all of the real, actual, live sounds around us.

Thirdly, are the things we feel. These can be actual physical sensations or imagined ones. Can you imagine being at the seaside and paddling in the cool sea?

Most of us use one of these ways of thinking more than the others; though we each use all three of them. Since this is usually the case, an individual who "thinks" in images wouldn't hypnotize themselves the best simply by visualising.

Focused Attention:
Stereotypical images of hypnotists holding watches or other fixation devices for clients to stare at are the result of much misunderstanding about hypnosis. I for one have long ago banished my velveteen smoking jacket and watch on a chain for more modern methods of hypnotic induction! The experience of hypnosis is typically an inwardly focused one in which we move away from the environment around us and turn our attention inward. This technique to hypnotize yourself is doing that even more.

Hypnotize Yourself Technique:

Step 1: Find a comfortable position and get your self relaxed and settled. Get into a position that you will be able to maintain easily for the time you are going to hypnotize yourself. It can be sitting or lying down, though sitting is recommended to prevent you from falling asleep. Get yourself centred, just looking in front of you and breathing slowly and easily. Let yourself relax.

Step 2: Think about the length of time that you intend to spend in this state and make a statement to yourself about it such as "I am going hypnotize myself for 20 minutes ... " (or however long you want) You will be delighted to discover how well you "internal clock" can keep track of the time for you.

Step 3: What would you like to get out of this? Make a statement to yourself about the reason you want to hypnotize yourself. In this process, you allow your unconscious mind to work on an issue rather than giving suggestions throughout, (that is another technique) so our purpose statement should reflect that fact. Here's how I recommend you phrase it to yourself : " I am going to hypnotize myself for the purpose of allowing my unconscious mind to make the adjustments that are appropriate to assist me in _____________."

Filling in the blank with what you want to achieve such as "developing more confidence in social situations." The actual words aren't nearly as important as the fact your statement acknowledges that you are turning this process over to your unconscious mind.

Step 4: Looking in front of you, notice three things, one at a time, that you see. Go slowly, pausing for a moment on each. It is preferable that they be small things, such as a spot on the wall, a doorknob, the corner of a picture frame, etc. Some people like to name the items as they look at them - "I see the hinge on the door frame".

Step 5: Now turn your attention to your auditory channel and notice, one by one, three things that you hear. (You will notice that this allows you to incorporate sounds that occur in the environment rather than being distracted by them.)

Step 6: Next, attend to your feelings and notice three sensations that you can feel right now. Again, go slowly from one to the next. It is useful to use sensations that usually are outside of your awareness, such as the weight of your glasses, the feeling of your wrist watch, the texture of your shirt on your body, etc.

Step 7: Continue the process using two Visuals, then two auditories and then two kinaesthetics. Then, in the same manner, continue (slowly) with one of each.

You have now completed the "external" portion of the process to hypnotize yourself. Now it's time to begin the "internal" part.
Step 8: Now close your eyes. Now, bring an image into your mind. Don't work too hard at this; this is fun, remember? You can construct an image or simply take what comes. It may be a point of light, it may be a beautiful beach, or it could be your car or an apple. I shall not scare you with the ideas that randomly pop into my mind. If something comes to you, just use it. If nothing comes, feel free to put something in your mind.

Step 9: Pause and let a sound come into your awareness or generate one and name it. Although this is technically the internal part, if you should hear a sound outside or in the room with you, it is OK to use that. Remember that the idea is to incorporate things that you experience rather than being distracted by them. Typically, in the absence of environmental sounds; I often imagine hearing whooping hallelujahs from a gospel choir; don’t ask me why, that just happens in my mind.

Step 10: Become aware of a feeling and name it. It is preferable to do this internally - use your imagination. (I feel the warmth of the sun on my face) However, as with the auditory, if you actually have a physical sensation that gets your attention, use that.

Repeat the process with two images, then two sounds, then two feelings. Repeat the cycle once again using three images, three sounds, and three feelings.

Then to complete the process, open your eyes when your alloted time is up - It is not unusual to feel a little bit "spaced out" or wander off somewhat. At first some people think that they have fallen asleep. But generally you will find yourself coming back automatically at the end of the allotted time that you set before you chose to hypnotize yourself. Trust that you weren't sleeping and that your unconscious mind was doing what you asked of it.

Many people don't get all the way through the process. That's perfectly all right. If you should complete the process before the time has ended, just continue with 4 images, sounds, feelings, then 5 and so on. It is a simple way of just getting you acquainted with how to hypnotize yourself.

Hypnotherapy - Free Your Mind and Soul

Hypnosis is a Greek word which means "sleep". This is also referred to as hypnotherapy. With the help of a hypnotherapist, you reach a trancelike state of restful awareness. When you are under hypnosis you are actually not sleeping, though it may seem like you are.

hypnosis, self hypnosis, weight loss hypnosis, quit smoking hypnosis, stop smoking hypnosis, hypnotherapy

Article Body:
Hypnosis is a Greek word which means "sleep". This is also referred to as hypnotherapy. With the help of a hypnotherapist, you reach a trancelike state of restful awareness. When you are under hypnosis you are actually not sleeping, though it may seem like you are. You tend to be more focused and more responsive to suggestions. The main purpose of this is to help you gain self control over your emotions and behavior.

How does it work?

Though it is not very clear how it works, it tends to synchronize the body and the brain through nerve impulses, body chemicals, and hormones. It is said that the mind has two parts; the subconscious mind and the conscious mind. When you are hypnotized, you are said to be in your subconscious mind. It helps you relax and quieten your mind. We tend to go into the hypnotic state in our day to day life also. Many a time we lose track of the time and get engrossed in our work, or while reading a good book or listening to good music, this is similar to the hypnotic process.


When you are under hypnosis, you tend to concentrate intensely without any distractions. As you become more open to suggestions, you tend to listen to what you are being told, which could help you give up your bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol, improving your health and well being.

You are said to go through three stages in Hypnotherapy; the first being the superficial trance, where your eyes may be closed, but you still exist in the present stage and you are aware of your surroundings. During this stage you are more open to suggestions, but since the trance is very light, there is a possibility that you may not accept it. The second stage is the alpha stage, which is deeper than the first one. Here the person accepts what he is being told. The therapist can actually control your response to any physical pain or allergies and control your immune system. Your blood pressure and your heart rate can also be controlled. The third stage is called age regression, which is even deeper than the alpha stage. In this stage the person can be sent back in time to remember events which had occurred years back. This technique is helpful to make the person come out of any physical, mental, or emotional problems, which could be related to his past. Cases like sexual abuse during childhood can really disturb the mind, causing physical and mental torture.


Deep hypnosis can also relieve pain from your body and control allergies. Chronic pain such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and back pain are said to be improved with hypnotherapy. Practising this can relieve symptoms up to 70 percent. Even sleeping disorders such as sleep apnea and snoring can be improved. This technique is even used in the emergency rooms in hospitals to help relax a severely injured victim, and even in the ICU to control the heart rate and respiration. Dentists also use this technique to decrease pain, calm the patients, and to reduce bleeding. Even during childbirth it is used to relieve pain.

Hypnosis can work only when you fulfill three conditions - A peaceful environment without any disturbance, good understanding between the therapist and you, and your cooperation and willingness to be a part of the therapy.

Hypnosis performed by a certified hypnotherapist is said to bring good changes in your health. It helps you give up unwanted habits like smoking, overeating, give up alcohol, and overcoming stress. It can also help control phobias, and this therapy has shown positive results in controlling asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, and high blood pressure.

Remember to go only to a certified and recognized practitioner, as the success of the therapy will depend on the competence of the therapist. It is best to take opinions from friends and those around you.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hypnosis - Where’s the Magic?

What is hypnosis and why does is it intrigue us so much?

There are many different definitions of hypnosis, the first result in search engines is:

A trance-like state in which a person becomes more aware and focused and is more open to suggestion.

The Oxford dictionary tells us that hypnosis is the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion or direction.

Many hypnotherapists would disagree with the Oxford dictionaries explanation of what hypnosis means. The idea of losing power over your actions during hypnosis is not what hypnotherapy is about in their opinion.

Hypnotists will tell you that hypnosis is to do with relaxation of your mind and body; however, you are in total control and can not be made to do anything you don’t want to do.

Hypnosis is more about making someone so relaxed that the therapist is able to speak directly to your subconscious mind, which will have a positive affect on your mind when you are fully conscious.

If for example you are afraid of spiders and you went to see a hypnotherapist to overcome this fear, the therapist would put you in a relaxed state, and speak to your subconscious mind about your fear of spiders. They would tell you that when you see a spider, they will no longer scare you etc.

If a therapist spoke these thoughts to you whilst you were fully alert, it would probably make no difference at all, but by speaking to you in a relaxed state of hypnosis, you cannot argue in your mind with the idea that next time you see a spider you will still be afraid.

Our subconscious mind is influence everyday without us really realising. We can hear a tune on the radio and think to ourselves, where have I heard that before? It was probably playing in the background somewhere where you have been.

We used to have a colleague at work who would deliberately walk into our office, whistle a tune whilst sending a fax, no one really took any notice as they were getting on with their work, however, a few minutes after he had gone, someone else (normally me) would hum the tune without really realising why and other people said they had that tune running around their head.

Oddly as it seems, the tune was planted into our subconscious mind without us really noticing.

That isn’t a magic trick, that is someone recognising that although we may be concentrating on one thing, our subconscious picks up everything that is going on around us.

The difference with us and hypnotist is that they have learned the art of this and how this can have an affect on us.

Even the stage hypnotist would like you to believe they have some kind of magic power, but infact, all they are really doing is talking to your subconcious through signs so that you will be more susceptible and amazed when they hit you with their trick.

Genuine hypnotherapists recognise that they can have a positive affect of people by using their skill, whether it be overcoming a fear, loosing weight, stopping bad habits or building up your self confidence, whatever it may be, you can at least know that there is no magic involved, and it is not a tool to make you do things you would not want to do in your normal alert state.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Human growth hormone supplements benefits and safety

From the moment the natural growth hormone was discovered in the human body it’s been a puzzle. Even though researchers have identified a lot about human growth hormone, there are still some questions. For instance, how intrinsic is the union between energy levels and the aging process? Consider the connection.

After All...

What is it that makes a child so energetic? Those vitality levels are considered to be unswervingly tied to the natural growth hormone located in the human body. If you compare the levels of human growth hormone in an individual at 20 to a person three times that age, you’ll discover a significant decrease in the amount of this protein blend. Which gives rise to the question, does the diminished human growth hormone protein level prompt lower vitality levels? Asked a different way could the introduction of human growth hormone supplements expand the amount of energy a person has?

All things considered...

Imagine what you could do with an everyday energy boost? If you doubt the benefits of more energy, grab a look at the plethora of products available that are geared for no purpose other than to extend energy. The selection is bewildering. But there’s another advantage to human growth hormone supplements.

Not only does human growth hormone augment energy, it also helps combat the aging process. Anti aging products are also available in abundance, but the natural human growth hormone may very well be the solution you’ve been looking for. You may even want to try a human growth hormone releaser to stimulate your body’s manufacture of this protein. After all, your body knew how to develop adequate supplies of human growth hormone when you were a child!

Every man dies. Not every man really lives. William Wallace in the movie Braveheart

Think for a moment about the interaction of youth, aging and energy. If you can recall back to your childhood, you are possibly awe struck at how hard you worked at every day, including playtime. And at the end of the day, you can likely remember drifting off to sleep as soon as your skull hit the pillow, and then sleeping a deep, restful sleep all through the night. Do you think it was all just because you were younger? What if the decrease in human growth hormone has impacted all those factors, how much energy you had for work and play, how well you slept, and how rested you were when you woke each morning? Human growth hormone is released in pulses shortly after you settle asleep. The amount of human growth hormone diminishes with age and may plummet by three fourths between the ages of 20 and 60.

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers

If you’re concerned about the potential side effects of human growth hormone supplements, you should take some time to hear what the experts are saying. While human growth hormone occurs naturally in your body, you’re probably wise enough to realize that increasing even naturally occurring compounds and proteins isn’t often a good idea.

In this instance, side effects are generally negligible and most individuals appear to find the risks worth the benefits. As with any dietary supplement, that becomes a personal choice and only you can determine what you should (and should not) bring into your body. Being astute with your supplement choices is just everyday sense.

How To Use Grapefruit to Lower High Blood Pressure

Heart disease is the number one killer of women. If you are a women, and even if your not, here is what you need to start doing.

The food you eat is critical in determining if you will have high blood pressure and if you can lower it. Eating less meat and eating more fruits and vegetables can lower your blood pressure.

High blood pressure occurs when fats, cholesterol, and nutrients in the food you eat start to accumulate along your artery walls. This narrowing of your arteries restricts the flow of your blood, increases your blood pressure and making you more susceptible to heart attacks and strokes.

If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high trigylcerides, grapefruit has been found to reduce the effects of these conditions.

So which is better yellow or red grapefruit? Well, in a study made where people who had a history of high cholesterol, those that ate the red grapefruit had the most effect in lower their blood pressure. The yellow also lowered blood pressure but not as much as the red grapefruit.

It was found in this study that grapefruit had a better effect in lowering blood pressure than statin drugs.

Red grapefruit are extra high in anti-oxidants and these nutrients are able to reduce your trigylcerides: the yellow are not.

Eat the red grapefruit when available and when it is not eat the yellow. Eat at least one - two per day. If you eat ½ just before your meal or drink a glass of fresh grapefruit, you can expect to lose 1 or 2 lbs during the month. By eating 2 grapefruits a day expect to lose more weight.

Eating grapefruit has many health benefits, but one other is in controlling your insulin level. Studies have shown that those that eat grapefruits have lower insulin and glucose levels in their blood.

It is believed by researchers that grapefruit enzymes help to control insulin increases that happen after you eat. These enzymes help digest your food better and this results in less nutrients being stored as fat.

Grapefruit has also been found to be caner preventative. It's the phytonutrients - antioxidants - and especially lycopene that has been found helpful in preventing cancer.

Grapefruits are high in fiber, vitamin C, Vitamin A, and antioxidants - carotenoids, limonoid glucosides, flavonones.

You can buy red and yellow grapefruits from November to May here in the US. If you don't have any in your area go online and order some.

CAUTION: If you are on any drugs, do not eat grapefruits in combination with taking drugs. Grapefruit enhances the effect of drugs and can cause symptoms of overdose.

How to Use Citrus Juices to Relieve Constipation

Citrus Juices

Citrus juices are a constipation remedy that is an excellent way to stimulate your colon and other parts of the body. Since your colon is less active at night, drinking juices as soon as you awaken and get up can stimulate strong peristaltic action and promote a bowel movement.


Lemons are filled with minerals, especially potassium, Vitamin C, and bioflavonoids. They have a cleansing action for the entire body.

Fresh lemon juice is the king of fruit juices. It contains citric acid, which acts in the body in a way no other juice does. First it acts on the liver to build up its enzymes so it can detoxify toxins in the blood. Then it combines with calcium to form soluble chemical substances. This makes it effective in removing kidney and pancreatic stones, plack build up along artery walls, and other calcium deposits that occur in the body.

When the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are not working right, food digestion is affected. This in turn will create constipation.

Use lemons moderately since they break up oils during digestion and in our body they make oils less available to our cells and joints.

If you have lemon allergies or ulcers then you should avoid lemon juice. If you have arthritis lemons are not a good choice.

Here’s what to do:

Squeeze one lemon into a glass of warm distilled water. Drink it first thing when you wake up. Don’t drink anything else for at least 1/2 hour

You can use a citrus press to juice the lemon or just squeeze it to get the juice out.

Grapefruit Juice

Another constipation remedy you can use is drinking a glass of fresh squeezed grapefruit first thing in the morning. Again wait at least 1/2 hour before you eat anything.

If you are taking any anticonvulsant drugs, birth control pills, estrogen, protease inhibitors and even other types of drugs avoid drinking grapefruit juice. It slows the breakdown of certain drugs allowing them to increase in the blood to dangerous levels.

Grapefruit and Orange Juice

One drink I like in the morning is a combination of grapefruit and orange juice. Just prepare a half and half drink of these citrus fruits and drink it first thing in the morning.

How To Use Aromatherapy Candles To Create A Welcoming Atmosphere!

Burning aromatherapy candles scented with pure essential oils is a wonderful way to add fragrance to a room. Not only does an aromatherapy candle smell nice, it can have therapeutic effects on the body and mind. Essential oils are extracted from certain aromatic plants and are used by aromatherapists to promote emotional and physical well being. When a few drops of a particular plant essence is added to a candle, its powerful aroma molecules are diffused into the surrounding air as the wax melts. When inhaled, the fragrance can help soothe and revitalize.

Aromatherapy scented candles can be made with oils from various types of plants. Aromatherapy essential oils can be made from different parts of plants, including flowers, berries, leaves and bark. As well as having a unique natural perfume, they have many different healing qualities. For instance, lavender is well known for its relaxing properties. When added to a jar candle, it can be used to create a soothing and peaceful atmosphere. The rich aroma of sandalwood can help ease feelings of anxiety and stress. As well as being used individually, oils can be used in blends to create uniquely fragranced candles. For example, a seasonal Christmas blend could include mandarin, cinnamon, clove or nutmeg. Or a refreshing mix of oils could include peppermint, lemon, rosemary or bergamot to help stimulate the senses.

For maximum aromatherapy benefits, candles should be made from natural based ingredients that don't release toxins as they burn. Aromatherapy soy candles made from soybean wax are a popular option, as these are considered better for the environment than petroleum based candles. It's worth reading the labels when buying a candle to make sure it contains pure aromatherapy oil and no synthetic fragrances or dyes. Using scented candles in the home is a simple but effective way of influencing the mood of a room, to create a tranquil and harmonious environment. Products such as candles, oil burners or other types of aromatherapy diffusers can make inexpensive gifts and offer a natural alternative to chemical air fresheners.

Adding aromatherapy candles to the home is a quick and easy way to enhance the atmosphere in a room and create a peaceful space to unwind in at the end of a busy day.

How To Take a Sauna

How to Take A Sauna

With the recent popularity of far infrared saunas and steam saunas comes the necessity of learning to use them properly and safely. Listed below are the traditional steps the Finns would take in order to benefit fully from their cleansing saunas. And the Finns should know, as roughly one in five inhabitants possesses a sauna.

It should be stated that one should consult their health care practitioner before embarking on any kind of sauna program, though it's interesting that sauna usage doesn't seem to harm the five million plus Finns and many others who know how to take a sauna correctly.

How to Take a Sauna - Traditional Finnish Style

1. First of all one should disrobe completely before entering. It is also important to remove watches, rings and all other jewelry because the heat of the sauna may distort the metal and burn the flesh that wears it.

Contact lenses and glasses should also be removed, as should dental plates and the like. It is common to wear kick-off sandals to walk into the sauna though these are usually left on the floor and never used when on the benches. In the
old country, sandals were not used, but instead a bowel of water is placed inside the sauna on the floor and the feet are dipped in this as one enters.

2. Hikoilu - When entering the sauna for the first stage, it is important to remember that there will be at least two levels of benches - the high bench is always the hotter, and the corner of the room diagonally opposite the stove is always the hottest.

This stage is a dry heat where the outside cares of your life can be discarded and the mind and body refreshed. By tradition hikoilu is invariably a period of silence and lasts about 10 to 20 minutes.

3. Vilvoittelu - When a heavy sweat has been reached - one can hear the perspiration dripping down to the floor - this next phase of "vilvoittelu" has been reached and one can then leave the sauna. Traditionally users have sought a cool place of any kind like a swim in the lake or pool, maybe a cold shower, a roll in the snow, or just a bucket of very cold water. Some people simply sit down in the cool outside air.

Instinct will tell you when the correct time comes to return to the hot room, usually when the heartbeat returns to the regular rhythm. Both the heat and the cold produce a slight increase in the rate of the heart beat, but this adjusts quickly to normal in healthy people. If there is a pounding or feeling of faintness, the person must leave the heated room and sit quietly. Drinking water with electrolytes would prove helpful also as well as fresh fruit juice.

4. Vihtominen loylyssa - This is the second session inside the hot sauna room. Traditionally birch twigs were heated in a bowel of warm water near the stove and the bathers sitting on the benches would use them to beat their bodies back
and front to release the oil from the leaves and to open the skin's pores.

Perhaps in modern situations, a dry skin brush would prove helpful before one's sauna session to open up the pores and remove dead skin cells. This third stage lasts about 10 minutes followed by a second cooling off before proceeding to the next step.

5. Peseytyminen - One brings a bucket of cold water, soap and scrubbing brushes into the sauna and scrubs the body. Traditionally, people would pair off to scrub each other's backs.

6. Huuhtelu - This is a longer session outside, rolling in the snow, a long swim or a washing with shower or buckets in the coldest water available.

7. Jalkilammittely - A fairly short warm up in the sauna which is usually followed by another short swim, dip or shower. Always finish with the cold, but not for a long exposure.

8. Jaahdyttely ja kuivattelu - This is an air bath for cooling and relaxation. Generally, except in harsh winters, one dries with a towel only the hair and back of the neck; after a good sauna the body can dry itself and adjust naturally to any temperatue without difficulties or harm.

The Finns really know how to take a sauna, you say? You may notice that a sauna is far from being another steam bath. The idea is that enough water is used to keep the hot, dry air from drying eyes and mucous membranes, but this depends upon the host. In Northern Finland, it was a social status symbol to be a man who could take a lot of hot steam and smile about it.

Today this information about how to take a sauna may sound old-fashioned or impractical but in a few localities it still works and works well. The same principle of cleansing impurities from the skin can be found in aromatherapy portable steam saunas that come in convenient home or office structures like
these: Portable Steam Saunas

Also, far infrared saunas have become popularity because of their ability to penetrate deep into the sweat and sebaceous glands to remove toxins. Some of the higher quality models are discussed here: Far Infrared Saunas

For those who merely wish to read about the efficacy of far infrared sauna therapy a free guide to sauna usage is available online: How to Take A Sauna

How to Stop Suffering from Constipation

The most important thing to remember is that “Constipation is not a sickness, or illness or disease. It is a symptom of something we do (or don't do)”. Constipation is generalized as a condition where bowel movements are infrequent, resulting in a hard, dry stool. Many experts suggest that you should have at least 1 bowel movement each day, and some even suggest you should have a bowel movement for every meal!

The causes of constipation are many and varied, but the most common ones are: (i) a low-fiber diet (ii) insufficient fluids (iii) lack of exercise, and (iv) unhealthy colon. When you read through this list of common causes, the solution to constipation should smack you right in the face, and get you thinking about your diet, exercise and your outlook on life. If it doesn’t, you need to read on.

Here’s some little known facts. The colon (or large intestine) measures approx 1.5m (5 feet), and it is primarily responsible for storing waste, reclaiming water and some vitamins, and then converting wastes in feces. Most importantly, while the waste is travelling through the colon, the body will also absorb unwanted toxins. That is if your digestive system is working slowly. If your digestive system is working properly, the waste spends less time in your colon, and there is less chance of toxins being absorbed.

Constipation should never be ignored, because when the body is not functioning correctly, serious illness can ensue. In fact, a recent study into regularity of Bowel Movements in Japanese men and women suggests those with more frequent bowel movements had the lowest risk of developing colorectal and colon cancer. When you consider the fact that most people will have between 5-40 lbs of fecal matter in their colon (large intestine) at any given point in time, and that the fecal matter is rotting waste that is leeching toxins back into the body, is it any wonder that illness can ensue ?

So let’s address the common causes of constipation, and illustrate how some simple changes can relieve you of such a debilitating condition…..

DIET : changes in your dietary habits might just be the cure for your constipation. A typical diet for constipation would see the introduction of more fiber (especially in fruits, vegetables and whole grains), with restrictions on the consumption of fatty foods and sugar. Fibre is the key, and we don't consume enough. Seriously, most Americans do not eat enough fiber on a daily basis - the American Dietetic Association recommends around 20 to 35 grams per day, most Americans consume only around 5-15 grams. The importance of fiber can only be appreciated by understanding how fibre works in the digestive process. Fiber actually travels right through the digestive process without being absorbed into the body. It actually absorbs water and becomes gel-like, hence making your stool/feces softer. In a low-fiber diet, the intestines actually draw nearly all of the water out of the stool, which becomes rock-hard and difficult to pass.

FLUIDS : the importance of water cannot be stressed enough. Our bodies consist of around 50% water, and this needs to be replenished daily to assist in flushing toxins out of the body and assisting the digestive system. 60-70 ounces of water and/or juices is recommended to be taken each day to assist is making bowel movements softer and more regular, and to help flush the colon at the same time. Many people believe that consuming copious amount of caffeine beverages such as tea and coffee help, but they in fact have a dehydrating effect rather than a hydrating effect.

EXERCISE : Our lack of exercise is another cause of constipation. We would much rather drive our cars to the corner store to buy milk than walk there, and our children are spending more an more time playing video games and watching TV. There is no precise explanation of why constipation is caused by laziness, but the lack of exercise works to slow our metabolism and in turn can be seen as a factor in slowing the digestive system and reducing the regularity of bowel movements

COLON HEALTH : as mentioned above, the colon plays such a big role in the digestive process and in constipation. A clogged or unhealthy colon can cause constipation by slowing the flow of fecal matter through the digestive process. The colon (large intestine) is that largest part of our digestive system, and adults on average have between 6-40lbs of fecal matter in the colon at any given point in time (10-20lbs of which can be compacted, and very hard to flush out). Having a large volume of such matter in your colon is not healthy, and a simple colon cleanse with a product like OxyPowder can assist in unclogging the colon, ridding it of the bad bacteria, and hence allowing a smoother passage for fecal matter to flow regularly.

Again, constipation is not a sickness, or illness or disease. It is a symptom of something we do (or don't do). Constipation sufferers invariably display habits associated with poor diet (consisting of low fiber foods, and foods that are high in sugar and fat), not enough consumption of water, lack of exercise and stress. These symptoms typically lead these sufferers to opt for laxatives to help the regularity, but these people will do nothing to curb the problem at the source, leading to more severe constipation and a harder pathway back to normality.

Simple changes to lifestyle and eating habits are the key.

To find out more about the causes and cures for constipation, visit http://www.constipation-treatment.info

How To Relieve Yourself From Pain Using Natural Treatment Methods

With little awareness, I used to think that OTC medication such as paracetomol or the anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen are the only choices when dealing with pain. Increasingly, I become aware that there are a number of ways to deal with pain using natural methods. While these methods may not provide instantaneous relief, at least, you eliminate the problems or side effects that you may otherwise have with drug treatments. Here are a couple of natural methods to help you relieve your own pain.

1. Heat versus Cold. Some people swear by the use of ice packs and cold massage. These packs can be store bought or you can use a package of corn or peas from your freezer. Wrap the cold pack in a cloth and then gently massage the painful area for five to seven minutes. Once the area begins to feel numb that is the time to stop. Others prefer heat. A hot water bottle or heating pad applied to the lower back for fifteen to twenty minutes can chase away the back pain in a matter of days.

2. Exercise. Tai Chi or yoga are two excellent exercises for back pain. The stretching aspect of yoga lessens the tension on the muscles, increases blood flow and promotes healing. Tai Chi is similar in that it too promotes healing and prevention of back pain by the use of gentle movement and non-impact exercises. It teaches you how to improve your posture and balance. Tai Chi also helps to build muscle strength and balance.

3. Supplements. Supplements are used to rebuild bone and cartilage, reduce pain and inflammation as well as relax muscles. They are divided into two groups. The first ones build strength and the second relieves pain. When deciding to use nutritional supplements it is best to first discuss it with your doctor. Make certain that your back problem is not caused by something more serious that requires medical intervention. Then your doctor can help you determine the correct dosages of the supplements.

Some useful strength builders are Glucosamine sulfate, calcium, magnesium and vitamins C and D. All of these will help to build bone and cartilage. Niacinamide, a form of vitamin B, assists with the healing of cartilage and like white willow bark, boswellia, bromelain and turmeric are also anti-inflammatories. Devils claw diminishes muscle pain, is an anti-inflammatory and will enhance the affects of regular pain medications. S-Adenosylmethionine strengthens the muscles.

4. Water therapy. This allows someone with a back injury or severe back pain to exercise in a way that makes the physical effort much less. Although you will do very similar exercises to what you’d do out of the water, the buoyancy sports your weight, making it easier to do the workout. As well, warm water therapies are a good method of reducing pain and relaxing the muscles.

5. Massage therapy. This is highly recommended for anyone who has back pain or suffering from aches. Massage therapy helps to improve blood circulation and muscle tone. It also stimulates the release of endorphins. You can easily learn a few basic massage techniques to apply them on yourself or on your family members for relieve from pain and stress. energised.

With so many options, you just need to decide which combination works best for you. Also, work on good posture. Hold yourself straight; keep your shoulders back and your head up. Don’t lead too sedentary a lifestyle or you’ll find yourself inflicted with aches and pains. Adopt regular sleeping hours and make sure that you have enough rest every day.

How to Raise a Kid with Asthma (part 2)

Here’s the continuation of the article captioned above.

I had mentioned changing the child’s (and the family’s diet for that matter) as THE foundation for a natural asthma treatment.

Obviously, I presented a vegetarian diet in the first part and I am aware that as a parent you might ask: “where will my GROWING child get protein from?”

There are more than sufficient amounts of proteins in Fruits and Vegetables and documented information on the exact needs for protein according to Dr. Stanley Burrough's is actually about a nickel's weight worth per-day.

Now the whole protein propaganda is another subject into itself, but for growing kids, one should be more concerned about them getting adequate vitamins and minerals.

Thankfully, these are more than abundant in fruits and vegetables and namely the Banana, Dates, Avocadoes, Olives, Cabbage, Lettuce, Durian, Young Coconuts and even the Apple give more than enough protein for growing kids and even you.

Here are some other quick factors to consider and hopefully put you at ease:

1. It’s been scientifically proven that mother's milk is about 2% protein, now if this is the ideal of a growing baby for the first 3 years; of course it shows the minimal need of it.

2. 98% of the human population is sweet toothed...which shows that carbohydrates are our main need contrary to popular belief.

3. Based on the John Robbins work titled: Diet for a New America, the number of people in the US suffering from diseases caused by protein excess is a mind-boggling 40, 000, 000 compared to a measly 3 people suffering from the deficiency of this substance.

In the belief that the subject of diet has been adequately covered, I will mention some other factors that could help in raising a kid with asthma.

To restore physical fitness for the child, you could introduce him to mild exercises such as Yoga. Most local YMCA and YWCA branches have classes designed specifically for kids or you could look into Yoga studios that offer them.

As an alternative, you could go to your favorite such engine and type up ‘Sun Salutations”. They are the core of yoga and trust me when I tell you the execution of them is fun and you will reap Yoga’s benefits for asthma and overall fitness by doing these simple exercises. Oh, and kids love them. I’ve read in India where they originated, they actually hold competitions to see who can do the most.

For you as a parent, if interested, Yoga of course can come in handy for you for basic stress relief and of course as a choice for exercise.

When your child’s fitness has improved, you may gradually at your discretion re-introduce other forms of exercise. But of course, they love to play so that shouldn’t be a problem.

Other simple steps to curb the effect of Asthma in your kid’s life are to:

1. Avoid excessive temperature changes.
2. Ensure dust mites are reduced as much as possible in your home
3. Use a humidifier in the cold seasons.
4. Keep fresh air circulating as much as possible in the home.

It is my hope that these steps may come in handy in restoring your child’s respiratory health. Of course your own parental discretion is advised in regards to these suggestions. But hopefully they would come in handy in helping you raise a kid with asthma.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

How to Raise a Kid with Asthma (Part 1)

Besides you as parents, their siblings and friends, kids may love toys, play and…food perhaps the most. I know I did. Another thing I know from experience is some forms of play and food are factors that can trigger an asthma attack.

Boy, was it sad being told when I had my first attack as a kid that I’d have to stay indoors most of the time or I couldn’t eat my favorite foods, so I can empathize with any kid who is going through the same thing. But at this point, as an adult, I can also empathize with any parent who has to raise a kid with asthma.

Just how do you go about doing that?

It goes without saying that at times what may be the best for our kids is not what they may want simply because they just don’t understand. Now when, it comes to laying strict rules for children to prevent asthma attacks, it sometimes may cause friction between a parent and a child.

That considered, try to do the following:

Sit with the child and have a heart to heart talk with them about their health ‘challenge’ and why extra care has to be taken to not aggravate its symptoms.

You may have to be creative in explaining to them why they have such a disease as asthma in the first place, however with the tips I will provide you, (God, I wish someone told my parents of this in my childhood…), you and your child may perhaps altogether curb the asthma problems.

First, change the child’s diet. This might require a little bit of creativity here parents, because my suggestion for a diet for natural asthma treatment involves giving up all processed foods and animal products such as meat, milk, eggs and the like from your diet-plain and simple. These are mucus forming foods and we all know what one physical characteristic of asthma symptoms are: Mucus.

This is a fact that has been in effect in several programs aimed at correcting respiratory health such as the "Breath Retaining Program for Asthmatics" developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko. Within weeks of adhering to his advice, many a chronic asthmatic has been able to give up the use of ventolin inhalers.

Replace these items with mucus binding or non-mucus forming foods. These are quite simply fruits and vegetables. Make sure they are organic if possible or at least not in the list of the “dirty dozen” i.e. the ones most contaminated with pesticides such as Apples, Mexican Melons, Grapes etc…

Trust me on this; I’m speaking from experience, you will do very well to avoid the fruits in that list when it comes to asthma. Nonetheless you’d still be much better off steering clear of those food substances labeled as mucus-forming earlier on.

In addition, from my own experience, DO NOT CONSUME LIQUIDS WITH YOUR MEALS AT ANY TIME. This inhibits digestion by diluting the necessary juices in your stomach designated for that purpose. As a result, it hinders the much needed expansion of the diaphragm and consequently a constriction of the lungs- the bellows of life giving air- which results in the wheezing sounds any asthma patient is familiar with.

Now, for kids, it surprisingly may not be too hard, however if need be, you may firmly, but lovingly have to put your foot down and say they can’t have the substances mentioned. You can explain why, kids listen. In addition, when kids see you eat the same things, they more than likely will follow suit. This in turn of course will help the whole family.

Besides kids love fruits, now vegetables, that’s another thing admittedly-but there are fun ways you can incorporate vegetables into your kid’s diet.

For example, you could juice a stalk of celery and add it to some fresh apple juice made by a juicer (if you are so inclined); you could blend it into a smoothie of bananas, dates and young coconuts… (Now this tastes good!), or you could simply bake some sweet potatoes or yams and have them with mashed and lightly salted avocadoes (just be sure its uniodized sea-salt)…that would work. Trust me, I have a sweet tooth and I know what tastes good.

You can also try salads with home made dressings made of simply blending avocadoes, a dash of un-iodized sea-salt and fresh tomatoes. These are all ways that I ‘sneak’ veggies into my personal diet.

Obviously, I’ve written a lot about diet here in regards to asthma treatment and your kids. That’s because it’s arguably the most important factor. I will go over the rest in part 2 of this article and it is with hope that this will lay the foundation for a successful asthma treatment regimen for you kid naturally.

Here’s to free breathing and happier kids

How to prevent your nasal allergy?

Do you know why and how your nose could feel itching and sensitive? The substance that causes itching and sensitive of your nose is called allergen. These include pollen, mold, dust mites, certain foods, latex, animal dander, and others. These allergens sensitize the nasal mucosal membrane through a sensitization process, which typically involves a few types of cell in our body, such as macrophage, lymphocyte and mast cell. In the beginning of the sensitization, allergens penetrate through the mucosal surface in our nasal passage. The easiness of the allergens penetrate through the mucosal surface is due to the deficiency of IgA antibodies, which main function is eliminating micro organisms that adhere to the mucosal surface. Usually, patients, who allergic to the allergen, have lower level of IgA antibodies.

The second step of the sensitization process is scavenging of the allergen by the macrophage cell. Macrophage cell is the large scavenger cell in the blood, whose function is eating up antigen, which is from outside of our body. During the scavenging process, macrophage cells also pass information about the invasion of foreign antigen to the lymphocyte cell, which involves several enzymes. Lymphocytes are stimulated by this information and multiplied to transform into plasma cells, which would synthesize IgE antibodies. IgE antibodies move to the mast and basophil cells around the eye, mouth and nose via tissue fluid and blood where they bind to the mast and basophil cells. When an allergen forms a bridge between two IgE molecules on the mast or basophil cells surface, histamine, which is a primary chemical mediator, will be released. This chemical will stimulate exocrine glands, contract smooth muscles in the bronchi, dilate blood vessels and increase their permeability and cause itch. Second chemical; prostaglandin, which is a secondary mediator, is synthesized in all types of cell and this chemical will cause inflammation around the mucosal surface inside the nostril.

How to avoid nasal allergy? We knew that nasal allergy is caused by the allergen; therefore, the first method to avoid nasal allergy is eliminating the allergen in our house or room. People who are allergic to house dust may not have allergy to the road or field dust. This is because house dust containing house dust mite, which is the major allergic component. Mites like to live in mattresses and box spring that containing cotton fillers or kapok. So, we should replace this thing to foam rubber encased with durable impervious material. Besides, we also should replace eiderdown, blankets and pillows with the one that are less hospitable to mites. In addition, dust-collecting upholstered furniture and carpets should not keep in the room because it accumulates dust mites. To keep the house dust mites low in our house, we should vacuum-clean our house frequently.

Allergy condition for the people who are allergic to animal dander can improve quickly if they remove their animal from the house. However, if the particular person’s allergy condition is too critical, his nose may still feel itching for a period of some few months after removal of the animal. This is due to the animal dander that has left in the furniture and carpets. If the allergy continues for a longer period of time, it may due to an indirect exposure to hidden allergenic substances or other allergens. If what has been mentioned above still could not improve your allergy condition or it is inconvenient for you to carry out what has been mentioned above, you may go through immunotherapy.

The second allergen that could cause nasal allergy is pollen. Pollen is released from the tree or grass seasonally. Therefore, it is quite difficult to avoid this allergen even though you keep yourself indoor in the city flat or house with the window and door closed. People with hay fever should not live in the dark flat or house with window and door closed during these best months of the year. They can just go through a short period of systemic steroid treatment, which could allow them to live an almost normal life during this short period of pollen season. Pollen season is in the late spring and early summer in the seasonal country but it is almost 10 months long in the non-seasonal country. To avoid pollen outdoor, I think the only way is wearing filtration mask or make sure you have taken antihistamine medicine before going out. However, indoor pollen could be reduced by installing electrostatic air cleaner, HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) Filters, air conditioning, dehumidifier, humidifier and ionizer (negative ion generator).

Electrostatic air cleaner is also called as electrostatic precipitator. It consists a fan, which is used to draw the air that containing particles to pass through electrical charged plate where the particle is trapped. The tedious job for this equipment is that you need to frequently clean the plate that traps the particles because when the particles accumulate too much on the plate, it may cause its trapping efficiency drops.
HEPA filtration can remove particles that as fine as 0.3 microns. Therefore, this equipment can remove most of the particulate matter in the room not only pollen but also including bacteria, dust mite, molds, yeast and spores, which are also allergens to nasal allergy. HEPA filtration is very efficient to relieve hay fever and asthma symptoms. It can relieve the hay fever and asthma symptoms within ten minutes to half an hour after switching on the equipment. When the potassium permanganate and charcoal is combined with the HEPA filter, it can clear the big particulate matter like dust and pollen as well as chemical odor. This is because potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent, which could decompose most of the dust and organic substances; whereas, charcoal could adsorb most of the volatile organic substances.

Air conditioning is also one of equipment that can reduce pollen count in a closed room air to around zero. Usually, pollen level in an unfiltered room with window open is about one-third the outdoor level. With this level, it is high enough to aggravate symptoms in anyone with pollen allergy. Similar to electrostatic air cleaner, air conditioning’s coils and filters need to be cleaned frequently to prevent mold contamination. Besides, air conditioning’s cooling temperature should not be set to too low because air that too cold can aggravate respiratory allergy.

It is better for them who have asthma or nasal allergy and other respiratory allergies to breathe moist air in order that their nose and bronchial passages will not dry up. There is not a problem for people who live in equatorial and tropical country because humidity level in these countries is very high. However, this level may be too high and it can promote growth of house dust mites, molds and fungi and tends to carry more dust and pollen. The suitable level of humidity in the house is about 35 to 50 percent. With this level, people won’t feel uncomfortable and it also could prevent proliferation of allergen around the house. Therefore, people who live in the seasonal countries need a humidifier in winter and a dehumidifier in the summer; whereas, people who live in the non seasonal countries need a dehumidifier to reduce their house moisture level to prevent growing of molds, dust mites and fungi. Humidifier and dehumidifier need to be clean frequently with stiff brush.

Ionizer or negative ion generator is a machine that generates negative ion into the air. Particles surface is positively charged; therefore, when negative ion is attracted to the particles surface, its positive charges are electrically neutralized by these negative ions. Particles with neutralized surface are tend to deposit on the wall or floor. With this equipment, particles in the air can be reduced with the condition that the air in the room is not blown up by a fan. Therefore, in order to make the house free of dust particles, wall, floor, carpet and furniture have to be vacuum-cleaned frequently.

Prevention is one of the ways to temporarily relieve nasal allergy symptoms. However, based on cost, there are other ways that are cheaper to cure nasal allergy without any side effect.

By Alexander Chong

Author of "How to cure your incurable nasal allergy without using any synthetic drugs, herbs and expensive devices".
